"Photography could be that dim light that modestly helps us change things." (Eugene Smith)
Photographing the Correfoc is a risky act. Close and often direct contact with fire puts both me and my team in danger.
What is Correfoc?
During the night, young people dressed as terrifying creatures juggle, dance and walk the streets to the sound of percussion. Meanwhile, the social masses of all ages approach demons in search of the adrenaline caused by their own fear of fire.
How to photograph the Correfoc?
In reality, the litmus test of the Correfoc festive event lies with the photographer since correctly exposing in such varied situations where you find constant and sudden changes in light, dizzying and unforeseen movements on the part of all the members of the Correfoc is something that requires great expertise on the part of the professional in photographic action.
The key to getting a good session on how to photograph the Correfoc and the people around it is the experience of the photographer himself, as well as in-depth knowledge about light and good fireproof protection.