“Color is descriptive. Black and white is interpretive.” (Elliott Erwitt)

Black & White

What is black and white photography and what does it mean?

When we look at a black and white image, it undoubtedly transports us to the past.

Personally, I find color photography more complicated.

I'll explain it to you easily. The brain is attracted to certain colors, so a good composition (the scene to be photographed) that attracts the viewer's eye where the photographer wants it, is more difficult to achieve.

A well-known example in landscape photography is that apprentice photographers are advised to add a person, the subject, wearing a red jacket. With what intention is the subject asked to wear a red jacket? To make it stand out and thus the observer, the first thing he looks at will be the red clothing and then the relevant visual tour of the photograph. It is a neurologist process.

With this, my intention is not to detract from the value of black and white photography, quite the opposite; They are simply two different types of photography.

melancholy or sadness
cara niño en blanco negro rayos sol
mirada niño a través de la ropa
foto urbana primeros planos personas
foto urbana vendedora
foto urbana primeros planos
foto urbana mascarilla 2021
singer Violant Guanabens
Delivery to the instrument
the light of noon
hombre toca la trompeta orquesta
Hombre hermoso foto blanco y negro musico clarinete
contents ©Neus Rossite by Bluekea