"It seems to me that women have a better chance of success in photography than men... Women are faster and more adaptable. I think they have an intuition that helps them understand personalities more quickly than men."

(Lee Miller)

No humans, no animals.

crucified Jesus
Sagrada Familia
Sagrada Familia
galeon andalucia mar mediterraneo conquista replica
Andalucia galleon
detalle rueda Mustang
Interior Corvette coche turismo clásico
Motos Montesa clásicas
coche clásico
Exhibición Seat 124 Renault 8
fotografia fuegos artificiales
Moto Peugeot Movesa retro antigua clásica
Interior furgoneta clásica Citroën
coche Renault clásico
dragon chino
contenidos ©Neus Roscreat en Bluekea